New game : The Year After now available for pre-order

Posted by Incube8 Games on

We're excited to announce our newest release with Spacebot Interactive.

In THE YEAR AFTER, a family prepares for a particularly harsh winter, whose tidings will echo throughout their lives. You are an invisible stranger; time moves freely around you, as seasons pass and characters age. 

This is a narrative experience for the Game Boy Color by Hadrian Lin / ANV, playable in under an hour. Observe characters as they traverse through their lives, checking in periodically as your presence becomes increasingly felt. You won’t remain a stranger for long… or perhaps you were never a stranger to begin with.

The game is aimed at an general (G) audience and is only available in a limited Collector's Edition.

The Year After (GBC) - Collector's Edition
ANV Game Boy Game Boy Color GB Studio Hadrian Lin Spacebot Interactive

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