Infinity Week One Update

Posted by Incube8 Games on

It’s been a big first week for the Infinity Kickstarter campaign!

We’re wrapping up the first week of our Infinity Kickstarter campaign, and we honestly couldn’t have asked for a better start! As of writing, Infinity is now almost 1400% funded, having raised over $223,000 against our $16,000 goal. Infinity has been the most successful campaign on Kickstarter for a Game Boy game. As a reward, Infinity has been selected as a “Project we love” from the Kickstarter team and is now featured across Kickstarter’s website. To everyone who has contributed to us reaching this incredible level of support, thank you! 

With such success, we’ve also managed to unlock all of our initial stretch goals, which has allowed us to provide a number of exciting additions to Infinity! We will now be offering localization for five different languages: French, Japanese, Spanish, Italian, and German. We have also prepared a few aesthetic improvements to the game, both inside and out, as we will be preparing a custom-molded cartridge for the game, in addition to enhancing some of the sprites. Finally, there are also a number of additional bonuses unlocked, as all pledges at “Advanced Edition” and above will be receiving a double-sided map and poster, and the legendary Yuzo Koshiro will provide both an 8-bit composition for in-game, as well as a full arrangement of this piece for the soundtrack CD!

Naturally, with these goals being met so quickly, we needed to come up with a few more! So as the campaign continues, we now have stretch goals that include beautifying the PCB with a silk-screened Infinity logo, additional goodies in the form of box protectors and a new opaque black cartridge protector, in-game art stills to immerse yourself in the world of Infinity, a GBA-enhanced edition, and even a Steam port! We recommend checking out the updates on the Kickstarter page if you’d like the full details on these new goals. 

Thank you again to everyone who has been following Infinity to this point, whether you’ve been with the game for weeks, months, or even years. For anyone looking to get their hands on a copy of this great Game Boy Color tactical RPG, there’s still time to visit the Kickstarter page and submit your pledge.


Infinity Kickstarter

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