Infinity Week Two Update

Posted by Incube8 Games on

New stretch goals continue to be unlocked into the second week of our campaign!

Infinity continues to perform well, as the Kickstarter campaign now exceeds 2200 backers and $260,000! Once again, we’re incredibly grateful to everybody who has contributed thus far to help make Infinity such a success! 

With these pledges, we have already managed to unlock a number of our newly introduced stretch goals from last week! To recap, any backers of any of the physical tiers (that is, “Standard Edition” and above) now have a few more goodies to enjoy, in the form of a free box protector, and a first-of-its-kind opaque black cartridge protector to replace the standard clear one. In addition, the game cartridge itself is getting a touch-up, with the Infinity logo getting silk-screened onto the back of the PCB. 

A particularly exciting stretch goal was unlocked with the big $250,000 milestone, as Infinity will be getting a Steam port! Now, everyone who has pledged at the “ROM Only” tier and above will have the opportunity to enjoy Infinity on Steam as well, which we hope will make enjoying the game a little bit easier, especially for those who might not have a Game Boy Color kicking around at the moment to enjoy the cartridge on. Finally, we’ve unlocked all the in-game art stills, which will serve to better illustrate particular scenes or events during the game, to help immerse you in the world of Infinity.

There’s still more to unlock, however; in particular, the GBA enhanced version will provide a little bit of bonus content when playing on a Game Boy Advance… provided we hit the $275,000 goal. If you’re thinking about pledging, there’s still two weeks to go, but you’re quickly running out of time! Be sure to check out the Kickstarter page for all the details!

Also worth mentioning, if you’ve already had a listen to our medley, you probably already know how great the Infinity soundtrack is. If you’re curious to hear another version, however, the Orchestral Fantasy YouTube channel has done their own rendition! There is admittedly some connection, as Infinity sound engineer Mathew Valente also serves as the Orchestral Fantasy video editor. It’s definitely worth a listen!  



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